It’s spring time and everything all around us is blooming and changing, announcing warmer weather is coming. It’s time to get outside as a family and enjoy things as a family.  Gardening is a great way to get the whole family involved and also entice our kids to try new foods that they may have turned down in the past.

Here are some tips for making gardening fun for the whole family:

  1. Let the kids choose what they want to plant. Whether it is veggies or flowers, they will feel more connected if they have a say in the process. Maybe guide them towards things that they have never tasted before.
  2. Do a scavenger hunt around the yard, garage or shed to find all the things it takes to maintain or plant your garden.

  1. Design and paint your own garden markers. Let them paint on rocks or wooden spoons to label each item in their garden. Write the name of the plant along with their paintings.

  1. Set up a watering schedule for them on a calendar so they are not tempted to over water or under water their new plants.
  2. Start some plants from seeds so they can see the whole process. You can buy small seedling greenhouse kits at your local home improvement store. You can keep these inside until they are strong enough to be added to the garden.
  3. You can’t be an actual gardener without looking the part, right?We bought this cute kit on Amazon that has all the child-sized gardening tools in a cute bag.  This gave my girl an even bigger reason to get out there and help.

  1. Let the kids help you prepare a meal with the fruits of their labor.They are more likely to try new foods if they helped grow them.
  2. Visit the local farmers market and let them see farm-grown fruits and veggies and bring some home to add into your meal plan for the week.