Tag: mental health
The Power of Problem-Solving
The Power of Problem Solving
In his book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*” Mark Manson writes, “To be happy we need something...
Saying No When You’re a Yes Person
I’m finally getting around to actually doing my “word of the year” ...for 2018. Yes, I’m aware that we are halfway through 2019.
I am...
Mental Wellness & That #EntrepreneurLife
When thinking about the life of entrepreneurs we often think of the publicity, social media highlights, and the excitement of starting new things. While...
Waco Moms Blog is Growing | Meet Jaja Chen
Meet Jaja Chen
Hi Waco Moms! My name is Jaja and I am so honored to be part of the Waco Moms Blog contributing team!...
Engaged With The Present Moment; How Baking Brought Me Back to...
Engaged With The Present Moment; How Baking Brought Me Back to Mindfulness
If you are anything like me, your mind tends to wander in many...
The Blame Game
Attitude is everything. I've recently picked up a few (a lot more than usual) extra hours at work. For a couple of years, I...
Parenting with Anxiety
I could have sworn it was a heart attack. My firstborn was 4 months old when I had my first panic attack and I...
Book Review – Mending Broken Branches: When God Reclaims Your Dysfunctional...
Mending Broken Branches: When God Reclaims Your Dysfunctional Family Tree is the latest book by author Elizabeth Oates. She is a brilliant, theologically sound...
Fighting Depression and Anxiety
Depression and Anxiety can consume your very existence, so fighting depression and anxiety can be very difficult. Your body and mind just wants to...