The Ultimate Winter Hygge – In Texas


The Ultimate Winter Hygge – In Texas

Here we are again visiting the idea of hygge [ hoo- ga ] the concept of beautiful simplicity invoking in us the desire to slow down. In a fast paced world full of deadlines, appointments, responsibilities and a never ending to do list, it is a notion that we must be mindful and enjoy the present. At times that means altering your environment.

The winter months can be cold, cruel, and isolating. We most definitely have it easier down here in Texas. We aren’t facing months of cold, snow and a polar vortex, but winter can have a similar effect on our emotions and our perspective. Shorter, darker days and a busy schedule through the holidays and new year can lead to depression and distraction. We need to create for ourselves an atmosphere of restful content-ness and when we can’t spend that time outdoors (as often) the inspiration must come from within our homes.  

  • Step one: Turn off your phones. Allow your mind to be present and aware of your surroundings. 
  • Candlelight evokes feelings of warmth and coziness. Turn down the brights and enjoy the natural light. 
  • Warm drinks. Whether your go to is coffee or tea, hot chocolate or apple cider, brew it up and sip on it. Allow the warmth to fill your body and relax your soul.
  • When we can not get out into nature, bring the outdoors in. More greenery in your home means cleaner air and a healthier, lively vibe. It also requires continued care in a season when your outdoor plants go dormant. You’d be surprised how relaxing tending to plants and gardening can be. 
  • Cook a hearty meal or bake. Think warm fresh bread, biscuits, cake. Baking or cooking too can be relaxing, fun and foster a moment of mindfulness in a busy day. 
  • Read a book. One of my New Years resolutions was to read a book a month. This can be a monumental task, especially with little ones, but I feel like having a goal will encourage me to pursue more intellectually fulfilling subjects then social media or Pinterest. 
  • Grab a cozy blanket and warm socks. Plan a movie night full of snuggles and sitting in front of the fire, or candle or any other natural light.
  • Warm textures and casual decor can also set a mood of coziness and warmth. Your home is your sanctuary and that is something different for everyone.
  • Meditation is a go to for relaxing the mind and relearning HOW to be mindful. The life of a mom can be crazy busy and overwhelming. Meditation forces your mind to slow down and start to absorb. 

Hygge is the art of building an environment of sanctuary. It’s more then a word or action, but a feeling evoked. It’s paying attention to what makes us feel open hearted and alive. It’s a feeling of well being, connection and warmth. It’s celebrating and being present in the everyday, whatever that might mean to you.