Johnna King

Johnna King
Johnna King moved to Waco in January of 2017. She met her husband in college and after 9 years in the Marine Corps, they prayed for place to settle down and raise their family. She is the Domestic Engineer of Team King which currently consists of eight littles. Her oldest is 11, then 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2 & 16 months . She is due with their 9th in the summer of 2022. Motherhood is one of Johnna's many passions. She equally enjoys growing in obedience to Jesus, homeschooling the kids, running/weight lifting, photography, interior design, holistic living and writing. There is usually a half-read book on her nightstand. She runs their family blog You can always find Johnna looking for new places to eat, planning a date night or taking another picture.

My Love/Hate Relationship with Kid Birthday Parties

As soon as I get the Evite, snail mail or text, I have mixed emotions. "Aww, I can't believe he is already 4!"..."What does a 4 yr old boy want?"..."Wait, he probably doesn't need...

Breaking The Home School Stigma

Breaking The Home School Stigma   I have long heard the homeschool myths circulate around my peers. "Well how do they socialize?" or "Who keeps track of what they are learning?"..."Oh, you didn't turn out like...

What to Do When Your Kids Come Between Friendships

What to Do When Your Kids Come Between Friendships When I had one kid I could take him everywhere and be friends with everyone. We would take long strolls down the boardwalk when my husband...

Invite Your Neighbors Over | When Your House is Chaos

Invite Your Neighbors Over | When Your House is Chaos I currently have no less than 10 books on my dining room table. My house plants are trying to catch some rays there along with...

My Open Door Policy in Motherhood

When we first started having kids we lived on a military base. The houses were fairly close to each other and it was typical for neighborhood gals to invite a group of us over...

Stop Planning Your Family Vacation

Vacations these days often seem like more work then they are fun. People spend half a year saving, 3 months planning, 2 weeks packing and then a week of fighting only to come home and feel...

The Things Women Don’t Tell You at Your Baby Shower

When it comes to modern day baby showers, I have been fortunate to experience a range of different kinds. I received the big one for our first baby, a gender reveal type for the...