Tori Freeman

Tori Freeman
Tori is a Colorado-native turned Texan. She came to Waco for the free Dr Pepper Floats every Tuesday at Baylor, and stayed for love. In November, she and her husband Braden welcomed their first baby boy, Noah, to the family. In all the free time that comes with caring for a baby, Tori works from home as a freelance writer and criminal defense paralegal. She's a big fan of country music and believes everyone should read Harry Potter at least once in their life. You can find more of her thoughts on marriage + motherhood at

Leaning Into Your Littles

You did it, mama. You created a tiny human and birthed it into the world.  And now, you’re in the trenches, the little years, surrounded...

Why I Loved Using a Midwife

I have an admittedly unfounded, entirely non-medically-based belief that the way a baby enters the world impacts them in some way. And I don’t...

Waco Moms Blog is Growing | Meet Tori Freeman

Hello fellow mamas! I’m Tori (short for Victoria) Freeman. I’m a Colorado native, born and raised in the beautiful city of Colorado Springs. Growing...