Home Holiday Covid-19 Testing at Premier ER & Urgent Care

Covid-19 Testing at Premier ER & Urgent Care

Covid-19 Testing at Premier ER & Urgent Care

Well, it happened. We were in the middle of Snopocalypse 2021 and my husband lost his taste and smell. Naturally we needed to get tested for Covid-19.

The roads were covered in a layer of ice and most businesses were shut down due to the safety or their employees and the community, however; we needed a Covid test for peace of mind! Premier ER & Urgent Care was the only location that was open and accepting walk in appointments. Premier has never let us down and this situation was no different.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I want to provide a few helpful tips so you are prepared and know what to expect ahead of time.

  1. The cost for a rapid Covid-19 is $75 OR your urgent care copay via insurance. You can contact your insurance company to determine this price.
  2. You will get your Covid-19 results within 15 minutes, but they can also check for Flu A&B with the same swab! Most health care providers will check you for strep, Covid-19, and Flu so my husband found this fast and less invasive.
  3. My husband walked in, filled out a form, and was in a waiting room within 2 minutes. There was only one doctor working that day due to horrible road conditions and he was still seen within 2 minutes. Based on this prompt timing, we were able to notify my husband’s employer and our daughter’s school by end of day.

We know the burn out is real, mamas. Decision fatigue is at an all time high we we want to provide you resources that help ease your mind. We hope you do not find yourself in this position, but highly recommend Premier ER & Urgent Care if you do!