Mission-Possible: You Can Find Rest (Not Just Survive) Spring Break 


Life is bonkers. There is often so much on the schedule, our energy tanks are bankrupt. If you didn’t plan a vacation or staycation for spring break, your subconscious might be saying, “You need rest!” Even if you’ll be out on vacay (so happy for you! 😜) everyone knows you will return needing a vacation from your vacation!

I am in a season where I have one toe in empty-nesting (2 of my little chicks have launched) and 2 at home. If you gave me one wish, I would travel back in time and relive weeks like spring break. Everyone is home, the house is chaotic, and I’m constantly in the kitchen.

This is me talking honestly to those of you who are momming-hard … with schedules, play-dates, diapers, meltdowns, functions, and now a week-long “break” where everyone looks to you to entertain and feed them. Mama, you can find rest! I permit you to hit pause and reset! It will take a little prepping, flowing at a slower pace, and surrendering the timelines. – but it is possible. First, breathe. Don’t panic – look for small ways to reserve your energy tank and “bank” some rest. Repeat after me: I am a loving mom. Doing my best for my babies, and babies don’t keep. I will soak in the chaos, find small joys, and embrace rest because we will all be better for it.

Top 10 Tips to Thrive During Spring Break

  1. If you don’t normally take advantage of online grocery orders, this is the week! It is worth saving that hour to bank when the kids are home. Find ideas for how to spend that extra hour here.
  2. Feeding the crew three meals a day plus snacks is the fastest way to drain an energy tank and eating out will drain your account. The week before as you are making dinner do a couple of make once and eat twice meals. And while you are at it, buy disposable plates and don’t feel bad. You can recycle but really this is the time to cut small corners that give you a few more moments of rest. * Bonus- if you have a restaurant gift card from Christmas, now is the time to cash in!
  3. “Mom, can I have a snack?” is the phrase that can make your left eye start twitching by Tuesday if you don’t have a plan. Make snack baskets and bins in designated kid-friendly reach so that your hungry children can responsibly fend for themselves. 
  4. Delegate. If you have older kids, assign tasks and channel your inner teacher. Snack helper, timekeeper, toy sweeper, kitchen clean up) get creative, make it fun!
  5. Bring back nap/quiet time. Dangle an incentive for complying. Implement reading or audiobooks. This is the time you take a few moments for mindfulness. Have the kids join in. There is plenty of research of the benefits of mindfulness–it may be a new family activity. 
  6. Phone a friend. Swap kid care for each other giving each of you a few moments break. Tackle the park together or better yet, chores at home you have been putting off like decluttering (help each other). This is a great time to check out the new Waco indoor play area if you haven’t already. Visit the local library for free kid-friendly events. Maybe you will make a new mom-friend and the kids play in a safe space.
  7. Let. It. Go! Make giant forts in the living room. I mean pillows scattered about and the floor is lava. Have a dance party, together. Join in the games, and balance with unapologetic screen time. There are tons of educational games and sites like GoNoodle that are free to add in some structure.
  8. Get sneaky, and stay simple. While the kids are at school, hide some toys now that you will bust out like Christmas for the week of spring break. If it’s pretty, do chalk time. If it’s raining, play in the rain. Kids want cookies, not only let them help but also clean up! If you have it in the budget, make quiet or prize boxes from the Dollar store. Hide Easter eggs just for fun, or go on a scavenger hunt. These memories will be treasures.
  9. Grace upon grace. If bedtime is normally 8 pm and you need that time to come a little sooner, let it be 7:45. 15 more minutes to veg out in utter silence or bask in mindless shows…it’s ok. Put those babies in bed! Have a treat and decompress how you want to. 
  10. Hear me out. Pull up your ChatGPT and prompt it to make organized grocery lists on a budget with 20-minute meal ideas. Prompt it for activities with your children’s age specifics and include times each day for planned rest. Prompt it for anything and everything! In 60 seconds before you can blink, let it take the load off your brain from all the decisions. Tweak it to your liking and wah-la, spring break is planned for rest. Let us know how it goes.



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