Tooth Fairy Alternatives from Local Moms


My 5 year old got in the chair, and the dental hygienist excitingly said, “I feel a loose tooth!” Quickly, my daughters eyes lit up with joy, while my mama heart dropped. How could this be? It seemed like just the other day she was growing in her baby teeth. I wasn’t ready for this special moment! I didn’t have the tooth fairy box/pillow, I didn’t have any glitter or stickers, and I certainly didn’t have any cash on hand; I had never even considered any tooth fairy alternatives!

My daughter was jumping head first into a milestone but I had not planned for this to happen this soon. I had to ask, “Will the tooth fairy be coming to our home?” As I drove off I could see my daughters big smile through the rear view mirror as she wiggled that tooth. But all I could think was, “How could this be happening now!?”

tooth fairy alternatives

When her tooth finally broke free, I ended up letting my husband decide what to do! And although we chose to have the “tooth daddy” visit our home, I did look into some tooth fairy alternatives that we highly considered.

Mama, I want you to be ready – not caught off guard! So, I visited with a few local moms about tooth fairy alternatives and compiled a list to share. Hopefully this will help you prepare for the next, exciting chapter of parenting!

Alternative Options
  • One local mom said dad pays them for their tooth at the breakfast table! We loved this idea because it takes the pressure off of mom! Dad makes the decision on how much to pay – each tooth could be a different value – or the method in which it came out could play a factor here, too! 
  • Another mom shared they take their child to buy a toy for every lost tooth. This doesn’t have to mean a big or expensive toy! We are confident a dollar store toy would do the trick!
  • We spoke to a mom who grew up throwing their teeth on top of the roof of their house after they came out! Her parents saved a lot of money using this method and told the kids if the tooth got stuck on the roof your teeth would come out straight. P.S: She mentioned 7 of 8 siblings have straight teeth!
  • It was a surprise when a mom mentioned how her kids lost their teeth at an older age. This led to the idea of simply adding money to their allowance rather than going the traditional tooth fairy method which may appeal to grown children.
  • A local mama has a tooth keepsake box where her daughter puts her teeth after she loses them. You can find these on Etsy, or make your own!

Moms, whatever route you decide to take – traditional or tooth fairy alternative, don’t stress! We are certain you will find the best way to make this a special memory for both you and your kiddos. As for me, tooth #2 … I am ready for you!

By the way, “tooth daddy” left coins under the pillow!

Do you have an other tooth fairy alternatives that have worked for your family? Let us know in the comments below. We are always looking for unique ways to celebrate our kids milestones.


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