It's that time of year again. We are all making (and already breaking) those New Year's resolutions. Every year I resolve to really focus on my children. To work on patience, grace and to really enjoy them in this busy...
Creating Family Time: Viewing it from a Child's Eyes. It was going to be the perfect game night...... Our family of five was going to sit around our coffee table, eat lightly buttered popcorn, play a family game, and have a...
In the past, I've typically purchased a cute, new planner and come up with a long, ambitious list of New Year's resolutions, then within a couple of weeks found myself feeling like a failure because I couldn't seem to...

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Parenting In Waco

We Had a Baby … Now What?

New moms have tons of knowledge at their disposal. When preparing for pregnancy and birth, many of us pour hours into consuming info from...

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