What all moms R E A L L Y want for Christmas


Christmas is vastly approaching so I’ve compiled a list of “I wish” gift ideas that most moms may want! First and foremost, how in the world can we get this memo out to our husbands and kids?! Secondly, I can think of all the materialistic presents that I would love to have but your perspective changes as you get older, get married, and have kids. So while clothes, accessories, jewelry, household items, and gift cards are appealing there’s more to add to our list for Santa to bring. After all, aren’t we all exempt from the naughty list when we have to put up with kids 24/7 (and a spouse for that matter) or does that make us the Grinch? Ha!

Here are my top 21 best gifts a mom would want for Christmas:

  1. To forget about electronics
  2. To not find boogers plastered to the bed frame (or anywhere for that matter)
  3. To have toys be put away every single time
  4. For someone else to clean the kitchen
  5. Solid SLEEP
  6. Peace and Quiet
  7. A kid free weekend
  8. Pre-made meals so we don’t have to think about meal planning
  9. The floors to be free of crumbs and trash
  10. To stop repeating myself a thousand times
  11. No high pitch screaming
  12. Run errands without kids and with no time obligation to return home
  13. TO (clap) STAY (clap) IN (clap) BED after being tucked in the first time
  14. To binge watch a show with zero interruptions
  15. No.More.Whining (or attitude for the older kids)
  16. To have the chores done, complaint free
  17. For your spouse to not get the kids all wound up RIGHT before bed (I love you, babe)
  18. Stop asking for candy
  19. To do your homework when asked
  20. Stop asking “why” or “are we there yet?”
  21. A day to do absolutely NOTHING

Disclaimer: Most of these gifts are not attainable until your child turns 18… 🙂

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and to all, a good night!

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Natalie is a born and raised Texan originally from Kerrville, Texas who is a hill country girl at heart. She graduated from Texas Woman's University with her master's in Counseling and is in private practice at Waco Psychological Associates as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Natalie married a Baylor bear and is blessed with two sweet girls, Hadley and Rylanne. We also have a son, Calvin James in heaven who was born in March of 2018 and is held near and dear to our hearts, daily! We love calling Waco, home. In her spare time, she enjoys the outdoors, good music, anything sport-related (former soccer player here), and making memories with family and friends. Feel free to follow her on Instagram @natpaigejones