To Workout or Not to Workout: That is the Question


With New Year’s just passing, the question may still remain to some of you.  Do I workout or am I going to pass, because I don’t want to disappoint myself- again?  I personally like fresh beginnings.  But I also like realistic goal setting, which is why I preach realistic lifestyles and living!  Why would we want to make goals that are not even achievable because they don’t matter to our hearts?

I’ve had to tweak my fitness routine here and there, as the seasons in my life have changed.  I have some good news for all of you women who may feel like you wanna get it, this fitness routine.  So here, I will share a few tips that have helped me in every season- kids, more kids, single, married, working full time in the workforce and working from home.  I’ve done it all! In some seasons, the ride was smoother than others, but I have found these 5 tips to keep me on point! Here we go!

Tip #1– Get Yo’ Mind Right.

That’s right.  My first tip has nothing to do with physical exercise.  It’s all mental, ladies!  Stress, depression, negative self-talk.  It’s all going to hinder your progress.  Be sure to figure out how to minimize  your stress, learn how to talk nicely to yourself, and seek professional help if necessary! If you tell yourself you can’t do it, then you won’t do it.  It’s that simple.  You can also get yo’ mind right by getting in tune with yourself as to WHY it’s important for you to workout.  Why does working out deeply matter to you?  You will stick with it if it means something to you. 

Tip #2– Make Realistic Goals. 

Please, please, please do not set yourself up for failure.  I like to set s.m.a.r.t. goals.  These goals are specific, measurable, action-based, realistic and time-lined.  So, instead of saying, “I’m going to the gym to workout”  you would say something like, “I am going to the gym immediately after work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week and I am going to walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes.”  Being specific takes all the guess work out of trying to figure out in which direction you are going.  Setting weekly goals are a good way to keep you on track. 

Tip #3– Find YOUR Workouts.   

You have to enjoy the actual workout.  If you decide that you are going to stick to an insane workout regimen, that you ultimately hate doing, well, I don’t think I really need to say it.  You are going to quit.  It’ll last for as long as you can stand it.  And then you will look at working out like it’s the worst thing imaginable that you could do to yourself, instead of thinking it’s the best thing you could do for yourself.  Now is the time to be adventurous.  Ask yourself questions like “What could I possibly enjoy doing?  Would I enjoy being in a group environment?”  Start calling different facilities.  Most places would love to get you in a class for free! 

Tip#4– Be Prepared. 

Once you figure out what kind of workouts you’re gonna give a shot, start by being prepared.  You know when you will be working out because you set your s.m.a.r.t goal already.  So getting to the gym right after work becomes easy peasy when you prepared yourself by bringing your workout clothes and snacks/meal with you. (Nobody likes to workout on an empty stomach.)  You are excited to go to the gym now because you’re gonna get straight to it! Being prepared also includes setting up your environment at home to work for you when you are a SAHM.  You don’t want to be distracted in any way.  Getting enough sleep at night also means being prepared for the next day! I know that’s a tough one with a baby who does not sleep through the night yet.  But being prepared also means forcing yourself to nap with baby when ever possible 🙂 

Tip #5– Keep your Nutrition in Check. 

Again, this tip has nothing to do with physical fitness, but I truly believe that when you give your body the proper fuel, you feel great about getting your workouts in.  Properly fueling your body (including drinking water)  gives you more energy, which gets you excited about being physically active.  Hello! How else are we gonna keep our engines running?!

So, there you have it!  My top 5 tips to get you on the road to starting that fitness routine you’ve been dying to catch on to!  Physical fitness helps a lot with mental health.  When you are physically active you tend to be in a better mood.  A lot.  Personally, my workouts keep my sanity in check! I feel like I can always conquer anything that comes my way- even on a day when I think I had a “bad” workout!  Give yourself some time to catch on to a routine. 

You are SO worth it.