Dear Summer Working Mom


Dear Summer Working Mom,

I noticed you pulling out your calendar in September to start planning even though summer was months away. 

I spotted you waking up in the middle of the night last February to make sure that your kiddos were scheduled for their favorite camp when the registration opened at midnight.  

I saw you budgeting for camps, childcare, and activities months in advance all while trying to strike a balance between fun and structure.

I heard you explaining to people that yes….you do still work full time in the summer.

I perceived you stressing over the tremendous amount of organization, communication and planning to navigate an inconsistent daily schedule. 

I watched you limiting your social media in the summer months to avoid the comparison trap. 

I see you feeling worried, inadequate and frazzled behind the scenes, but here’s what I see you actually doing. 

I see you staying up late with your kids, going on ice cream runs, having movie nights, being more spontaneous and maximizing your time with them. 

I see you relishing in the break from the crazy school schedule and letting your kids be bored enough in order to use their imaginations and play. 

I see you feeling so excited when your kids are loving their camps and babysitters and the freedom from strict schedules. 

I see you working behind your desk all day and loving your job [and the quiet and the air-conditioning] but wishing you could be in two places at once. 

I see you appreciating summer and having a blast with your kids too.

I see the mixed bag of summer with all its joys and frustrations and pray that you will find contentment in this season just like any other. Because we are all a little sad when summer is over too.                    It goes by in a blink. 


A Fellow Working Mom



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Laura is originally from Houston, TX and graduated from Baylor with a B.A. in History. Although she never thought that Waco would be her permanent home, Laura has been surprised the blessing of living in Waco since 2009. Laura obtained her Master’s Degree in Education and has taught at both public schools as well as at McLennan Community College. Currently, she works full-time as an Academic Advisor in the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University. Laura and her husband Kary have three children ages nine and under. Laura’s favorite things in life are spending time with her kids, watching movies with her husband, planning ahead in her planner, reading most anything, journaling with Jesus and drinking coffee before the sun rises. You can find her on instagram @lauralalani


  1. Soooooooo insightful !
    Soooooooo transparent !!
    Soooooooo encouraging !!!!!
    Cheers to the working mom who works at keeping it all going !

  2. Thank you for this! I too am in academic advising and always get the question about getting summers off, lol! I just shared this to FB and feel super lucky that we have an awesome outdoor camp near our home for my six year old – he is having the time of his life!

  3. I’ve seen this posted all over Facebook, and has posted it myself to a working moms group. Thank you for writing this.

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