How to Finish 2018 Strong


How to Finish 2018 Strong

2018 is almost over. BUT, guess what? It’s not over yet.

Come January 1st, 2019, everyone will suddenly be interested in personal growth and development. You don’t believe me? How many people do you know who make at least one new years’ resolution??

Finishing a year strong is hard. Around the holidays, everything is up in the air. Schedules are thrown off, you visit family (or family visits you), huge meals need preparing. . .the list goes on and on. I think we can all agree that the end of the year is stressful. But you have control over this month. Make a plan, mama!

If you don’t make a plan, you WILL resort to negative behaviors. December is the month where we, as Americans, are not typically focused on our health; we eat more, drink more, and move less.

Let’s keep it simple, shall we? Here’s a handful of tips for finishing the year strong:

  1. Ask for help. Let the people you love know how they can best support you. Are you trying to avoid overeating? Ask for a smaller plate at Christmas dinner (you trick your mind into eating less if you have to fill a smaller plate multiple times!).  Want to be consistent about moving your body? Invite your guests to go for a morning run with you, or offer to walk your host’s dog. Odds are, you’ll inspire someone else to make a healthy choice, too.
  2. Practice gratitude. This is life changing. If you are intentional about writing down what you are grateful for at the beginning or end of each day, it is much harder to complain. It’s harder to wish for more gifts during the holidays when you realize how much you are already blessed with. And, when you know you will have to think of things to fill your list that night, you will LOOK for little spots of joy throughout the day.
  3. Set goals. Was there a New Year’s resolution that you made last year? How could you accomplish that goal, or perhaps adjust it so you can complete it next year? I just signed up for my very first half marathon in March so that I have a REASON to stay healthy through the holidays. Decide, right now, who you want to be when 2019 begins. Instead of waiting for a “fresh start” in January, why not start now?
  4. Drink water. This sounds silly, but there are so many health benefits to drinking water. When you wake up, have a glass (maybe with a squeeze of lemon) to cleanse your system for the day ahead. Before a meal, drink a glass to fill your stomach up faster. Instead of a sugary soda at dinner, drink water. Let’s be honest, our kiddos are watching us, so if doing it for yourself isn’t enough motivation, do it to be a good example 🙂

If you decide to be intentional, you can end a year as strong as you begin a new one. Don’t wait around for a new day, a new month, or a new year to make a change. Own this December, mama, and you’ll start 2019 stronger because of it!