Why We LOVE Elf on The Shelf


Why We LOVE Elf on The Shelf

‘Tis the season for coercing our children to behave for fear they are getting watched. Although, that sounds beyond creepy and unethical (come on peeping toms), it works and children really believe they will be added to a list that determines their level of gifts. So moms, take advantage, full advantage! 

I will not lie, when I first saw an Elf on the Shelf, I thought myself, “there is no way that actually works”. I thought it was a waste of time and effort. That was until I actually gave in and got one. At first I thought, well if anything I will get great photo opportunities, social media worthy. I’ll set up cute scenarios and we’ll have fun with it. But low and behold, my children actually believed in the elf magic! So here is a list of 10 reasons why I absolutely love our Elf on the Shelf, Sally! 

1. The moment Sally came into our home, I saw the Christmas magic so bright in my children’s eyes. They knew not to touch her, even my toddler. My 10 year old even wrote her notes and left treats for her. If I can help keep their minds young and childlike, then I’m all for it! 

2. She really did help aid in the behavior correcting around the house. For example, “Sally will tell Santa if y’all do not stop fighting”, or “Sally will not move around a dirty house, so pick up those dirty socks!”. Sometimes, we need help, I’m not ashamed to say a toy met me in my time of need. 

3. Moving her around was so much fun. We chose to opt out of the naughty elf tricks, but if that’s your cup of tea, no judgment here. It was almost like my childlike creativeness was able to come out and play. I really enjoyed coming up with the different scenarios. 

4. She helped us declutter! One morning my kiddos were met with an empty box. In the box was a note that explained the importance of giving back. So, I’m order to receive gifts from Santa they had to place old, but still nice toys in the box to give to local shelters and donation stores. It was a win, win! They made room in their playroom and learned about the act of giving! 

5. She brought the kids small gifts. My love language for others is definitely gift giving, so Sally helped me to be able to give to my kids more than one day in December. One morning she brought them candy canes for the tree, another she brought a ginger bread house. 

6. She made us laugh. One morning Sally removed our stockings and placed each of our underwear (a diaper for my little one) on the hook of our stocking holders. That was definitely a memorable one in our household. 

7. Sally made our morning routines so much easier. My kids were so excited to wake up and get out of bed to look for her new place. They loved that she would move everyday and that they got to play hide and seek st 7 am. You forget to move her that night? No worries, wake up first and move her. Or look for all the clever cover ups on Pinterest. 

8. She made gift giving easy. Sally left paper and pens for the kids to fill out their wish list. She promised to deliver first hand to Santa himself. She also made a naughty and nice list, they were relieved to see they made the nice list. 

9. She created a tradition. Now I know that every year for as long as I can keep my kiddos believing, Sally will make her appearance in our household. And thank God for Pinterest that will give me a million ideas of what to do. Also, there are Facebook groups you can become a member of that have people just as excited as you are. 

10. We know have something, that makes saying good-bye so hard to do. On her last day with us, Sally left a note that explained her magic would pause for a moment and allow them all to hug her good-bye. Each of my children held her with such grateful hearts for her time spent with us, even the baby. Yes there was some tears shed and not only by the kids (hey no judging!). 

So there are my reasons I love our Sally the Elf. There are usually two type of people, some that will agree and love everything I wrote, or two, y’all think I’m nuts. Believe me I was you. But do you really want to be the one who tells them the elf is just a toy? I can’t say it better than Buddie the elf said, “You sit on a throne of lies,” kids believe in Christmas magic, let’s keep it alive! 


  1. I’ve been pouting ever since my eldest daughter purchase the Elf on a Shelf. Pouting because long before that mother & daughter team began marketing, I had woven a great family tradition into my young children’s Christmas. I explained to them that when I was a child, Elf Greennose watched me & my brothers… When my children misbehaved, I’d let them know how humiliating it was for me when shopping at the mall, I was called to the mall office to speak with our family’s elf, Greennose. It was embarrassing because all the other parents knew that I was being summoned to the office to discuss my kids’ disappointing behavior! Our Elf Greennose came to be in 1984! Long before the successful launch of the elf on the shelf. I’ve been told they’ve even used the name, Elf Greennose. 😢 Wish I’d had the means to market my great imagination. This only one of many imaginary magical stories I told my kids so many years ago…

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