
I was born and raised in Utah. Recently moved to Waco in August of 2018. I have been married for 11 years. 3 daughters. 1 dog. I am a true Virgo at heart.Perfectionist, loyal, strong willed and hard-working. Emotional, insecure, and pretty much everything about me contradicts itself! :) I come from a Mexican Italian background. Pretty much every family gathering is like a Seinfeld episode! LOL!!

Top 5 Organization Musts

Top 5 Organization Musts Being a mom you are always on the run. Always needing a extra 10 minutes to finish a task! These are my top 5 organization musts! Pre-made snack bags This will save...

I Like Big Butts & I Cannot Lie!

I Like Big Butts & I Cannot Lie! Okay mommas, I know its a little ironic that I am writing about exercise, creams, and apparel to keep your booty perky all while running a cookie...

Gratitude. Explaining, Being and Staying Proactive With Children

Gratitude. Explaining, Being and Staying Proactive With Children If you haven't figured it out yet as a mom that your child hears EVERYTHING!!!! A  couple days later they will repeat something you said on the phone...

Meet Makenzie Asisi {Our Team is Growing}

  My name is Makenzie! I have been married for 11 years. I have 3 daughters. 1 golden doodle named Bruno. I was born and raised in Utah. Recently moved to Waco in August of 2018. I am of Mexican/Italian decent. I...