Lets Talk About Sex, Baby.


Women & Men.

There is so much information that is pulling us apart and telling us how different we are from one another. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. But here we are stuck together. Can’t we just play the field rather than leveling the field? Isn’t it amazing from the beginning of time we have had the indulgence of one another? And that got me to thinking….

We have, well I have noticed I should say, come to want the man in our relationships to actually be persuaded into more feminine rolls. Especially in marriage. Leave little notes, Sweep after our kids, talk until wee hours of the night about their feelings, all that bit of “sweet” stuff that the men have to earn in order to get to the point of what they are really thinking about. That they need to be that Disneyland dad that all your girlfriends are like “Shit, we got the short end of the stick” And also kudos to you if your man is just that way! But I am definitely basing this off of my husband and my friends husbands. Anyway, you know exactly where I’m going with this.

BELIEVE ME! My love language is acts of service and words of affirmations. So definitely sweep and tell me I’m pretty and that will get you whatever you want. But while I was really researching this topic I thought to myself why does my husband have to do these things in order to earn….lets say it together ladies S E X? I know that we are all annoyed that our men can’t meet us halfway in the “domestic” part of life. We feel outworked, under appreciated, and just super annoyed. That in turn turns into a sex strike. But why has sex become the ultimate take away in marriage?

Why do we feel like sex is our option to take it away in the marriage? Why do we always get to decide when it the time to have sex?  Mind you, The constant groping of your husband really gets super annoying but wouldn’t you be pissed if he didn’t? What if YOUR husband said “not tonight”. I would be like “OH HELL NO!” All I am saying is we have taken this beautiful thing and now have dangled in front of their eyes to catch on good days. Maybe I am alone on this, actually I KNOW I am not alone on this.

Lets revive this month, reconnect with our spouse and ACTUALLY reconnect.

Here are some benefits of Sex! Found this list on Facebook Some I was very surprised to see.

1 . Having sex relieves headaches. Every time you make love , it releases the tension in the veins of the brain.

2 . A lot of sex can clear the stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine . It helps to fight against asthma and spring allergies .

3 . Making love is a spectacular beauty treatment. Scientists have discovered that when a woman has sex , it produces a large amount of estrogen that gives shine and softness to hair.

4 . Sex is one of the safest sports. Make love often strengthens the muscles of male and female body. It’s more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps in the pool and there is not need special shoes!

5 . Make love slowly , smoothly and in a relaxed way reduces the chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and acne . The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow .

6 . Lovemaking can burn all the calories you have accumulated during the romantic dinner before bedtime.

7 . Sex is a divine remedy for depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream , creating a state of euphoria and leaving women and men with the feeling of being unique.

8 . Sex is the tranquilizer and muscle relaxant to a safer world . It is a thousand times more effective than Valium.

9 . Sexually active body releases more pheromones.

10 . Kissing each day will keep you more time away from the dentist . Kissing is an art which makes the cleaner teeth and saliva reduces the amount of acid that causes tooth decay . This prevention eliminates many problems , in addition to offering a breath constantly renewed.

WOW. Right?

All I am saying is that over time I feel like over time we tend to focus on the screaming children in our faces, our jobs that run us ragged, grocery shopping, laundry, mowing lawns, car pool, kid activities, trying to make it to the gym at least once this week… that’s just a snippet of my life..  that we loose that connection with our husband in the chaos of it all. And if your anything like me, If me and Tevita are off, my whole world turns upside down. So..

If you need to schedule sex DO IT.

If you like quickies, INITIATE IT <He would love this.

If you want this whole romantic setting SET IT OR TELL HIM TO! Men are one way thinkers. Tell them what you want and I promise it will happen. Don’t beat around the bush or else your setting yourself up for disappointment.

Just let your man know you are still here ladies in the bedroom. Put some gas on that flame. and lets make AUGUST our hottest month yet.