Laura Lalani

Laura Lalani
Laura is originally from Houston, TX and graduated from Baylor with a B.A. in History. Although she never thought that Waco would be her permanent home, Laura has been surprised the blessing of living in Waco since 2009. Laura obtained her Master’s Degree in Education and has taught at both public schools as well as at McLennan Community College. Currently, she works full-time as an Academic Advisor in the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University. Laura and her husband Kary have three children ages nine and under. Laura’s favorite things in life are spending time with her kids, watching movies with her husband, planning ahead in her planner, reading most anything, journaling with Jesus and drinking coffee before the sun rises. You can find her on instagram @lauralalani

To the Parents of Incoming Baylor Freshmen

To the Parents of Incoming Baylor Freshmen The Baylor University campus is already a buzz with anticipation. We can feel the energy and momentum building...

Dear Summer Working Mom

Dear Summer Working Mom, I noticed you pulling out your calendar in September to start planning even though summer was months away.  I spotted you waking...

I Love You Enough to Get the Flu

I Love You Enough to Get the Flu My middle child woke up with a 102 fever on that morning we were supposed to fly...

My Hair Keeps Me From Working Out

My Hair Keeps Me From Working Out I have never really l-o-v-e-d working out. Any “working out” kind of comes from an obligatory, logical place...

The Mom Who Works in the Summer

The Mom Who Works in the Summer During the school year they don’t really notice that I work full time. Our school routine hums along...

Barbara Bush was “Just a Mom” too

So, Barbara Bush was a stay-at-home mom for a long chunk of time. Say what?? Perhaps I never noticed this fact before because I (and...

Surviving a Sleepless Season {With Kids Who Should Be Sleeping}

I have “that” kid. The one who doesn't sleep through the night. Like ever. That kid who wakes multiple times throughout a night. One...

The Familiar Hug of Easter Traditions

“Without the resurrection, the cross is meaningless.” -Billy Graham Full Disclosure. I think Easter is my favorite holiday. Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas...

You Are My Life’s Work

I remember the day that I called my mom to thank her. Like really thank her from the bottom of my heart and soul...