Did you know Premier now offers virtual visits?! Mamas, we have all been there. You just KNOW your kiddo has strep or an ear infection and the last thing you want to do is load up the family and...
Whether you’re taking your kiddos to the pool, waterpark, or just an old-fashioned slip-n-slide, you have to go through the battle of slathering your child with sunscreen. We all know we have about 3.2 seconds of cooperation, so we...
Pediatric Physical Therapy, milestones, torticollis, tongue ties ... all of these words are frequently mentioned in the part of childhood - whether by your pediatrician, friends, or simply social media! They may bring some anxiety or even fear of...
My husband often says, "I'm not flexible enough to do that." And I usually respond with a roll of my eyes then exclaim, "You should stretch more!" But for someone who isn't familiar with anatomy or exercise, just the...
How to get to January without hating your body Every year I hear the same thing from clients, friends, and family- The holidays, although meant for celebration and fun memories, leave them in a shame & guilt cycle when it...
It is that time of year again for making New Years Resolutions. The most popular resolution being to lose those pesky pounds that have been gained over the year. That has been my New Years resolution for many years...
“Knowledge is power” is a phrase our generation has heard many times.  The phrase has encouraged and conditioned us to gain as much information as we possibly can on a wide range of topics in hopes to gain awareness to...
Just As He Is | Spina Bifida Awareness There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more. -Robert M. Hensel My three year old is completely paralyzed below the belly button.  You see, he was...
Best Face & Body Products on a Budget Let’s “Face It”.   O.k. ……..pun intended.  As moms our skin goes through a lot. From the moment we become pregnant our hormones take off on a wild ride affecting our skin and body....
Crushing the Stigma of "Working" Moms I once had a patient tell me that the downfall of our current generation, society, the world even was when women started working. "They come home from work, put their kids in front of...

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Parenting In Waco

2023 Mama Marketplace | Thank You to Our Sponsors & Attendees!

We are so pleased with the results of our Waco Mom's 6th Annual Mama Marketplace! This year our parenting event featured a special program...

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end of year

End of Year Emotions