I have “that” kid. The one who doesn't sleep through the night. Like ever. That kid who wakes multiple times throughout a night. One time that kid didn’t sleep through a single night for six months straight.  I've been through...
Why is saying "I'm sorry" so dang hard, y'all? We see it in our kids almost daily. Sara takes little Kevin's toy right out of his hands. Kevin then tries to ninja chop Sara because, well- toddler anger ain't...
Bullying is becoming more and more of a problem. Bullying has been a problem for ages, but it seems now with the age of social media it has reached an all time high.  Bullying is a sensitive subject. No parent...
Raising Asperger’s When I met Jonathan, he bumped into me (his way of saying hello). He was 11 years old. He didn’t speak much unless it was about one of the topics he enjoyed. He was not super social but...
I’ve often said I don’t know how moms did it back in the days before Facebook. The Waco breastfeeding mamas group was a lifeline for me in those early days trying to figure it all out. My main source...
Spring is such a beautiful but busy time of year for our family!  The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and baseball season is in full swing (see what I did there?!).  ‘Tis the season of homeruns, grass...

Why Waco?

We heard this question often when we discuss moving to Waco even though neither of us went to Baylor or have family here.  As we are nearing our two year mark of living in our Fixer Upper house, I...
I don't think I can remember a time when I wasn't yearning for South America. Ever since I was young, I knew I'd end up there someday. I'm not even really sure I knew what country I'd be in...
After twenty-three years of marriage, I can honestly say that there is still more to learn and grown in within our marriage!  We were just babies (twenty) when we said "I do," and have gone through many seasons:  college,...
It was helpful to plan my depression. Long ago, this past summer, 6 months pregnant with my third, I had considered the disruption it would bring to our family. We were in a great rhythm with Gavin, 3 and...

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Parenting In Waco

Breaking Unhealthy Cycles: A Convo with Tori Hope-Petersen

Collective Mom-Confession: We all have less than proud moments with our partners or children that we regret. Thank goodness for grace! But where does...