6 Steps to Planning the Perfect Playdate | Farm + Yard Playdates are the perfect remedy for a kid with pent-up energy or one with a strong imagination. Making the time for your child to spend with other peers fosters...
Mother's Intuition | When a Teacher Isn't a Fit A gut feeling. You can't explain it, but you KNOW something is off or just not right. As mothers, I feel like we've been given an extra superpower: our intuition. I must admit,...

November Weekends in Waco

November Weekends in Waco From First Friday & the Baylor Parade to the Zoo Stampede & Elf Jr., there is plenty of fun to be had in Waco during the weekends! Check out our guide - make sure to let...
National Bullying Prevention Month | What You Can Do As a Parent With October being National Bullying Prevention Month, it is important that we raise awareness about a topic plaguing our children. This is so important especially for school-aged children and teens increasing...
What My Twenty-Year-Old Self Would See in Me | Being Forty "ish" As a quick recap: I'm a 43 old mother of two teenagers (15 year old boy, 13 year old girl) who's been married for 23 years to a...
To the Working Mom..... The stay-at-home mom, the stay-at-home mom with a side hustle, the part-time working mom, the full-time working mom. All are titles I've held at some point in my short (almost) 7 years of motherhood. I tend to...

Pregnancy Loss Wish List

Pregnancy Loss Wish List Any kind of loss is difficult. The loss of a parent, a child, a beloved pet. But the loss of a pregnancy is can be quite different. For me it was quiet, lonely and hard to navigate. ...
I’ve noticed these days that the common response to “how are you doing?” amongst each other, especially us moms, usually includes one word: BUSY. I don’t blame us- we have to keep the house in order, keep our kids alive...
Waco's Top 7 Places to Dine with Kids Last semester, a group of my Baylor students inquired before class one day about my favorite Waco restaurant. I jokingly responded that any place in town I can take my children without...
There's a Reason the Airlines Instruct You to Put Your Own Mask On First Taking care of others. That's what we do. That's often what we measure our success by as mothers.   Last month, my family and I went on a...

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Parenting In Waco

Proof of Mom: Get in the Picture!

As a mom, I have a newfound obsession with pictures ... of my kids. Anyone else continuously buying more iCloud storage because your photo...