We heard this question often when we discuss moving to Waco even though neither of us went to Baylor or have family here. As...
I don't think I can remember a time when I wasn't yearning for South America. Ever since I was young, I knew I'd end...
After twenty-three years of marriage, I can honestly say that there is still more to learn and grown in within our marriage! We were...
It was helpful to plan my depression.
Long ago, this past summer, 6 months pregnant with my third, I had considered the disruption it...
Can we all agree that the technological age can occasionally get out of hand? That we are all slightly addicted to our phones, computers,...
When it comes to modern day baby showers, I have been fortunate to experience a range of different kinds. I received the big one...
"Have you cried yet?" "Not yet.. but it's coming. And I'm not sure if it will be a happy cry or a sad cry."...
Waco is being fixed-up all over town. Many homes and buildings, in the downtown and uptown areas, are being renovated and this urban city...
I have finally reached a place in my life where simple means everything. Getting tasks checked off my to-do list are a must and...
The summer temperatures were still in the high 90s when we met over iced coffee. In a few weeks, the fall semester would soon...