"Special needs parents are the equivalent of Batman, Captain America and the Incredible Hulk; combined with a side of Mary Poppins." -Author Unknown When my...

April Family Events

There are a lot of fun activities for the whole family this month. What will your family do on weekends?  Happy April, Wacoans! April 6-8 Friday, April...

Whatcha Reading?

"Whatcha readin'?"  Remember a time when you'd go into a doctor's office or on a bus or airplane and that's what you'd use as...
To The Stranger in the store who passes me and my three children, gives a consoling look and says, “You have your hands full”.  My...

The Change We Fear

As I am sitting here drinking my little cup of coffee, I am thinking about my journey as a Wellness Coach and just imagining...

Rainy Day Fun

When you are done splashing in all the muddy puddles, and the video games, and movies have bored to death what do you do???...
I could have sworn it was a heart attack.  My firstborn was 4 months old when I had my first panic attack and I...
One of my mom friends recently shared how she turned 'leftover night' into her kids' favorite night of the week.  She opened a 'restaurant'...

Healthy Mom-ing

No, this is not about why you should be vegan, or organic, or not eat a slice of cake for breakfast. I am a...
What's stressing you out today?   Were you late to morning drop-off AGAIN?  Did the dog chew up your kid's favorite (& expensive) shoe?  Did...

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Parenting In Waco

Family Friendly Shows

It’s movie night and you’re ready to relax as a unit, but you can't agree on what to watch. You’re trying to find something...

Mamas De Waco