First things first: Elizabeth Oates has recently released her book Mending Broken Branches. If you aren't reading it right now, add it to your list!    Why we love it: Aside from the fact that we want to support our own,...
Jonathan was born in November of 1998. I wasn’t there. He didn’t become my son until April of 2011 when I married his father, making a covenant with my husband, Jonathan and Nicholle. On that day we became family,...
Such a weird word. Tween. And such an new and strange and important time. A tween, or preteen, is defined as the age between a child and a teenager, specifically the ages 9-12. Kids in the tween years are...
Do you know your numbers? Not just your steps, your PIN or passcode to unlock your phone, etc. Do you know what your numbers were when you last saw your doctor? If you're asking which numbers-great, I'm glad you asked!  Here...
Even though I haven't taught full-time for fourteen years, I am a teacher at heart.  An English teacher.  I HEART reading and writing and know the importance of practice and repetition.  Many spelling and vocabulary tests, book reports, and...

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Parenting In Waco

Confessions from a Homeschool Grad

Confessions from a Homeschool Grad Homeschooling has made a 180° turn from “odd” to “popular”. The mindset of “old homeschoolers” versus the newer group has...