For the type A personalities out there like myself, working and raising a family can more often than not put you into overdrive. It is organized chaos. Between meal preps, drop offs/pick-ups, 40+ hour work weeks, organized sports, laundry......
You have purchased your dream home, enrolled your kiddos in school, and now it's packing time. Moving can be one of the most stressful things you do in life and you do not realize how much "stuff" you accumulate...
Minimalist is now trending - particularly in the home & decor industry - and often can be equated to purchasing sleek costly products. When I think of minimalism, however, I think of what is sustainable. I believe that minimalism...
Do you ever wonder if you are cultivating connection within your family? Dusk was emerging into the late January afternoon as I strolled the sidewalk in one of Central Texas’ most quaint outdoor shopping villages. As the sun began...
Plants make people happy. And plants for kids will make your kids happy and more responsible. Green plants enrich our health and our well-being.
We all need more plants in our lives! I hope you will consider a plant-pet for...
Can you travel with kids during a pandemic?
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a year of wrangling the repercussions of COVID-19. Along with health care workers, I feel like parents are some of the most impacted. We...
Is this our new normal? We still don’t know what will stay around post Covid-19, but one thing we do know- it’s a lot. While there are positions and careers that allow for us to work from home, it’s...
I am not a “morning” person by nature, so it takes structure to help me ensure my family’s early morning routine runs smoothly. This is true for our “Normal Life” when I need to get all three kids to...
"To the world you are a mother, but to your family you are the world." -Unknown
What a wonderful blessing it is to be a mom, step-mom, mother in law, grandmother, god-mother, or perhaps have someone you view as...
Did your Disney vacation get cancelled due to closures? Do you and the kids need a break from the new homeschooling routine (or lack thereof)? Are your kids begging you to take them, but the funds just aren't available?