A 30-Something Mom's Best Friends | Navigating Thirty
I never thought I would care about turning 30. Age is just a number, right? But as I've lived a couple years in my 30's I've realized things just aren't the same....
"Thank You Helpings": Practical Tips for the Table
Featured Guest: Dianne Miller
There are a lot of topics that we as moms talk about…. and some topics come up in conversation ALL. OF. THE. TIME. One of those topics is FOOD…..and...
A Lifestyle of Thankfulness
I love Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday...even more so than Christmas. I enjoy every bit of the fall season (or the slight
resemblance we have of a fall season here in Texas.) Cooler weather. Pumpkin everything. Thanksgiving...
Maybe you are like me: you know your "things" and you know what is not your thing. My things are writing, history, teaching. Science (among many others such as gardening, math, and sweating) is not my thing; it's a...
Sticky Hands and Dirty Faces | What Every Parent Needs to Know About Parenting
When you bring your little bundle of joy home from the hospital panic begins to set in. The medical professionals have handed a life over to...
My name is Makenzie!
I have been married for 11 years.
I have 3 daughters.
1 golden doodle named Bruno.
I was born and raised in Utah.
Recently moved to Waco in August of 2018.
I am of Mexican/Italian decent.
I love to talk.
Love to give...
Your Best Yes
There are days we, as women, really have it together. We get up on time, work out, get ready, make our kids breakfast AND lunch and get out the door in plenty of time to get them...
The American flag. That red, white and blue that remains a symbol of freedom, liberty and human rights. It is a symbol that we as Americans rally behind whether on home or foreign shores. It is a symbol for...
As soon as I get the Evite, snail mail or text, I have mixed emotions. "Aww, I can't believe he is already 4!"..."What does a 4 yr old boy want?"..."Wait, he probably doesn't need anything -- let me ask...
Mother's Intuition | When a Teacher Isn't a Fit
A gut feeling. You can't explain it, but you KNOW something is off or just not right.
As mothers, I feel like we've been given an extra superpower: our intuition.
I must admit,...