Long before our youngest child's speech adequately developed, he would always quickly identify his older brother's toy action figures and superheroes as "daddy".  It didn't matter which one - Spider-Man, Superman, Batman or Hulk.  One quick glance at those...

The Blame Game

Attitude is everything.  I've recently picked up a few (a lot more than usual) extra hours at work.  For a couple of years, I have been staying home to care for my babies.  I thought, well we need the...
When we first started having kids we lived on a military base. The houses were fairly close to each other and it was typical for neighborhood gals to invite a group of us over for coffee. As military wives,...
I rolled away from him on the narrow examination table and curled toward the wall. The stark white sanitary paper crinkled and crunched beneath me as I pulled my knees up to my chest and allowed hot, heavy tears...
“Knowledge is power” is a phrase our generation has heard many times.  The phrase has encouraged and conditioned us to gain as much information as we possibly can on a wide range of topics in hopes to gain awareness to...
It's May! May brings about so many great things - end of the school year, warmer weather, longer days, and the start of those late summer nights. May also brings about a million school parties, banquets, and graduations. I...
Vacations these days often seem like more work then they are fun. People spend half a year saving, 3 months planning, 2 weeks packing and then a week of fighting only to come home and feel like you need another vacation.  What's...
Mother's Day is here (not that any of us moms have forgotten!) and while I'm 100% in favor of a long nap and a gift card for a house cleaning service, I've also compiled a short list of organizations...
I wasn't ready to be a mother (then again, are we ever?). I was an 18 year old chemistry major whose biggest concern was passing the next set of tests. Then, two little pink lines turned into two little...
Being a mother of three twenty-somethings, and on the other-side of parenting, I have three bits of wisdom to pass on to mothers of young children. Three things I learned only by living through them. Trial and error. I highly...

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Parenting In Waco

We Had a Baby … Now What?

New moms have tons of knowledge at their disposal. When preparing for pregnancy and birth, many of us pour hours into consuming info from...

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