To Sleep or Not To Sleep...That Is The Question
Scrolling through my Facebook feed one afternoon, I read post after post from my sweet friends trying to decide how to spend a very sacred time in their day -- nap-time....
The "perfect" Summer: Vision vs. Reality
I have a confession to make. I've been self-sabotaging my summers. You see, I'm a dreamer, and summers in particular aren't immune to the grandiose visions in my head. It always starts out as...
Fun Special Needs Summer Activities in Waco
Anyone who has a special needs child knows the struggles of finding activities that are suitable for their child. Just like every other child, our special needs children get bored during summer break and...
Why it's Wise to Pause Before We Post - Social Media
I’ve been thinking a lot these days about what I post on social media and why I post it. My husband recently joined Instagram, after years of protesting it....
"It takes a village."
That may be the most used phrase in motherhood, at least that I've heard. But one thing that never accompanies that statement is exactly WHAT that village looks like. I think that's probably because every village...
"What are you doing?!" I screamed? "Why did you do that?"
My 2 year old had poured numerous cups of water on the dinning room floor and had also managed to spill her brothers milk and Opps All Berries cereal too.
Long before our youngest child's speech adequately developed, he would always quickly identify his older brother's toy action figures and superheroes as "daddy". It didn't matter which one - Spider-Man, Superman, Batman or Hulk. One quick glance at those...
Attitude is everything. I've recently picked up a few (a lot more than usual) extra hours at work. For a couple of years, I have been staying home to care for my babies. I thought, well we need the...
When we first started having kids we lived on a military base. The houses were fairly close to each other and it was typical for neighborhood gals to invite a group of us over for coffee. As military wives,...
I rolled away from him on the narrow examination table and curled toward the wall. The stark white sanitary paper crinkled and crunched beneath me as I pulled my knees up to my chest and allowed hot, heavy tears...