To My Fellow Night Owl Mamas
I’m a Night Owl too. I’m writing this at 2am. It is what it is and I think, for...
To the Mamas That Didn't Get Their Birth
I wish I could sit down and write about the beautiful, supernatural births I had. But I...
Millennials and Debt: My $340,000 Story
This is not one of those stories about someone who is $10K in debt, and (wonder of wonders) it...
You're Gonna Miss This Someday, But . . . .
As a mom of a newborn, I remember thinking. . . .
"I am so exhausted....
6 Ways to Support Beginning Writers
My experiences in early childhood education has taught me many things over the course of my career. One of...
Is Your Mommy Belly Not Going Away? | Diastasis Recti
Let’s be honest, pregnancy affects every part of your body. After you have had children there...
Permission To Be Angry, Sir
A recently released book by Rebecca Traister, Good and Mad - The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger - describes the...
Passion: How I Found Mine
When you were a child you dreamt of all the things you could be. Now that you’re “grown-up” you see...
A Dozen Things that changed in my 30s...
The morning of my 30th birthday something really important happened in my life. My give-a-dang busted. I...
When Someone is Suffering | Do's & Don't's
Diagnosed with cancer.
Suffered a miscarriage.
Having a hard time at a job.
Struggling in marriage.