Camille Johnson knows, and is known, by just about everyone in the greater Waco area. If she isn't familiar to you due to her remarkable real estate career, you may recognize her name because she is a shining example...
As I write this, it's a rainy Spring morning, and I'm dreaming of warm sunny days ahead. With our crazy Texas weather, it is hard to lay out your clothes the night before! Texas summers are more of a...
As a Waco Downtown Farmer's Market vendor for over two years through our small business, Waco Cha, we have seen the ins and outs of our local farmer's market and would love to share insights that you may not...
It's Christmas time in Waco!
I'm not going to lie: I'm in the "don't put your Christmas tree up until after Thanksgiving" boat, for sure.
But starting this week in Waco, Christmas events begin, so buckle up and get in the...
"To the world you are a mother, but to your family you are the world." -Unknown
What a wonderful blessing it is to be a mom, step-mom, mother in law, grandmother, god-mother, or perhaps have someone you view as...
For when it's the weekend & you want to celebrate. . . or, when it's Tuesday and you need a pick-me-up. Here's a list of happy hours around Waco I've put together; please fact check me & let us...
It's the most wonderful time of the year! We are weeks away from Christmas, and the hustle and bustle of the holidays is upon us.
Hopefully you survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday, succeeded in taking advatage of all the...
In many places September means fall, brilliant colors of yellow and orange speckled into the trees and foliage, cool, crisp air, and a pumpkin latte to give us renewed energy to keep up with our kids. Texas is different.
Waco mamas, here is a list of (possible) kid meal deals! {See note below.} If you have any that I missed, please drop it in the comment section. Let's all band together in as an army of moms who...
As parents, we all learn early on from books, family members, friends, pediatricians, and others that activates are good for our kids. They help with motor skills, build social skills, and overall development. But when is the right time...