Back To School... Thank God It's June. Your kids just got out of school for summer. You are swooning over the sunshine, the smell of suntan lotion, tank tops, flip flops and pool time. You are fully prepared for summer mornings of pancakes and cartoons,...
You're Going to College and I'm Okay With That My daughter is going off to college, and I am really okay with that. When I talk to friends with toddlers and teenagers, most of them say the same thing. “I...
The Mom Who Works in the Summer During the school year they don’t really notice that I work full time. Our school routine hums along nicely and no one is usually home during the day. They have after school activities,...
Invite Your Neighbors Over | When Your House is Chaos I currently have no less than 10 books on my dining room table. My house plants are trying to catch some rays there along with the laundry sitting in a...
Waco Moms Blog Continues to Grow | Meet Sara Davidson Hi Mamas! My name is Sara, and I am a local girl who grew up in Lorena. That being said, I have seen the highs and lows of the Waco...
Waco Moms Blog is Growing | Meet Valerie Kocel My name is Valerie Kocel, and I can’t wait to share my crazy life stories with you through the Waco Moms Blog! I was born and raised in Amarillo, TX and...
To Sleep or Not To Sleep...That Is The Question Scrolling through my Facebook feed one afternoon, I read post after post from my sweet friends trying to decide how to spend a very sacred time in their day -- nap-time....
The "perfect" Summer: Vision vs. Reality I have a confession to make.  I've been self-sabotaging my summers. You see, I'm a dreamer, and summers in particular aren't immune to the grandiose visions in my head. It always starts out as...
Fun Special Needs Summer Activities in Waco Anyone who has a special needs child knows the struggles of finding activities that are suitable for their child. Just like every other child, our special needs children get bored during summer break and...
Why it's Wise to Pause Before We Post - Social Media I’ve been thinking a lot these days about what I post on social media and why I post it. My husband recently joined Instagram, after years of protesting it....

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Parenting In Waco

Proof of Mom: Get in the Picture!

As a mom, I have a newfound obsession with pictures ... of my kids. Anyone else continuously buying more iCloud storage because your photo...