Why is it that as mothers, we secretly wish the holidays were spread out more or we could skip it all? Is it because we tend to bite off more that we can chew? There are only six weeks...
Halloween is a favorite around our house but let’s be real, who has the time or money for extravagant costumes? Ordering months in advance or searching high and low for something out of stock is not on my to-do...
We live 2.5 hours from my in-laws and roughly 4 hours, give or take, from my parents. This amount of distance requires us to be intentional in how we connect. It's unlikely they'll ever be able to show up...
I've had the privilege of filling the "bonus mom" role for my bonus kids for almost 19 years. In some ways, it seems like much more time has passed. But in other ways, it's like I blinked and they went...
National Daughter's Day has come and we wanted to take a moment to hear from 3 Waco Moms on what being a girl mom means to them!   "When I first thought of having a girl, I envisioned a mini me...
The first Saturday in August is commonly known as National Twins Day - but mamas of multiples celebrate them every day so we don't feel bad about being delayed! I never imagined that I would be a Mom of...
Summer schedules bring a lot of excitement for warmer, well in Texas very hot, weather. Less rushing to get out the door by 7:15am to get everyone to school on-time. There is more time to relax after work and...
Summer. It ushers in a time of slowing down from the routine of school, homework, and rigid bedtimes. For some of us, it means beach vacations or passes to Hawaiian Falls. Others may enjoy library days or trips to the...
I recently took my three kids shopping with me since its summer break and I don't have as much time for independent errands. An older lady stopped me with a sympathetic smile and asked how I was “surviving summer...
If there's ever been a time to have a "yes" day with your children, I'd say it's now! Of course, it should probably be realistic and achievable, and you may have to set some parameters. A yes day will...

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Parenting In Waco

We Had a Baby … Now What?

New moms have tons of knowledge at their disposal. When preparing for pregnancy and birth, many of us pour hours into consuming info from...

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