My family and I attended the HOT Fair on opening night and we are already talking about going again! We pulled up to parking attendants directing us where to go and genuinely made it hassle free.  We were greeted...
5 Reasons Why We Love Adorn Waco! Adorn Boutique moved into the Waco area just a few short months ago, but they are no stranger to us as they originated in the Austin area. It's no secret that we have...
  Did you know that The Little Harkley Company is locally owned? Camryn has created a business that keeps the free spirited child in mind. We love her vision and hope you will check out this adorable online children's boutique! You can also...
Clarity & Grace is a one-day women's event to help empower women to rise up and get really clear that they have massive purpose on this planet. It’s time to take action & stop holding back on that dream that’s...
When you're a working parent and your child is in full time care, your relationship with their teacher is an important and meaningful one. My daughters, 3 and 4 years old, cry or cling nearly every time I or...
Pediatric Physical Therapy, milestones, torticollis, tongue ties ... all of these words are frequently mentioned in the part of childhood - whether by your pediatrician, friends, or simply social media! They may bring some anxiety or even fear of...
As a young parent myself, I know firsthand how easy it is to get swept up in the excitement of a growing family and the day-to-day demands of managing your career and raising children. Between work, school, extracurricular activities,...
Thank you to Farm + Yard for sponsoring this fun piece of encouraging information for our Waco Moms! Spring Break is almost here and it is one of my favorite weeks! This year, we've chosen to make the most of...
Have you ever found yourself comparing the health of your child to their classmates, cousins, or neighborhood kids? Or have you ever wondered why one of your kids is the picture of health while the other isn’t? Why is...
Hey everyone, we are the Berndsen family, owners of Ivy Kids of Waco! We couldn’t be more excited to serve the amazing community and the surrounding families of Waco. We feel so blessed to be building Ivy Kids of...

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Parenting In Waco

2023 Mama Marketplace | Thank You to Our Sponsors & Attendees!

We are so pleased with the results of our Waco Mom's 6th Annual Mama Marketplace! This year our parenting event featured a special program...

Adios, iPad!

end of year

End of Year Emotions