Tag: motherhood

Adjusting to Kindergarten {for Moms}

My oldest son started kindergarten this year and can I be honest... My kid is fine. I am not. When he first started, I was angry....

Rewriting Nightmares

As a child, I was always dreaming. I had very detailed dreams and exhausted the ears of my family many mornings at breakfast. My...

School Packed Lunch Menu – FREE PRINTABLE!

  Let’s just make this super easy. I meal plan every Sunday and when school starts back up, I have to be absolutely prepared or...

That’s the Fairytale; Now, Let’s Get Real.  

Once upon a time, there was a perfect mom...  Her house was organized and orderly.  Her closets were neatly packed with everything in clear boxes...

Saying No When You’re a Yes Person

I’m finally getting around to actually doing my “word of the year” ...for 2018. Yes, I’m aware that we are  halfway through 2019.   I am...

Recognition & Gratitude | My 2 Favorite Words

For the first year of being a SAHM, I was blissfully happy and mothering our two daughters felt like the easiest job in the...

One of the Best Things my Mother Said to Me

I was standing in the kitchen with my mother. Our house was milling with the sounds of a family with four children.  The background...

Fitting In Is Overrated: Reminding Yourself How Unique You Are

Fitting In Is Overrated: Reminding Yourself How Unique You Are When I was a teenager and young college student, I felt inadequate. I wasn't as...

A Letter to My Daughters’ Future Husbands

A Letter to My Daughters' Future Husbands I pray for you daily. I pray now, for your safety, security, and your path in life. God knows...

Giving Birth is Not the Fairy Tale I Imagined

Giving Birth is Not the Fairy Tale I Imagined There is something about giving birth and being a new mom that is so out of...