You did it, mama. You created a tiny human and birthed it into the world.  And now, you’re in the trenches, the little years, surrounded by mountains of dirty diapers on one side and dirty laundry on the other. You’ve accepted...
Most people are familiar with maternity leave, but did you know the United States is one of the few countries where it’s not mandated to be paid? To take it a step farther, paternity leave is still being adapted...
I have an admittedly unfounded, entirely non-medically-based belief that the way a baby enters the world impacts them in some way. And I don’t mean whether they come vaginally or by c-section, but instead the atmosphere surrounding their birth....
I've openly shared my story about having a prophylactic double mastectomy, which makes me even more proud of these pictures. No doubt I experienced the highs and lows of breastfeeding and while everyone's journey is different, mine was incredibly...
Raise your hand if your little one(s) are experts at manipulation when it comes to bedtime? I'm over here waving my hands while jumping up and down. The struggle is R-E-A-L! My daughter turns THREE in two weeks and has...

Let Them Be Little

As I am scrolling through the toys, through the tv, through life what in the world has happened!!! Let's rewind. I hit this epiphany tonight watching "The Sandlot" with my kids. WE SUCK!!!! You have this group of kids everyday...
I was standing in the kitchen with my mother. Our house was milling with the sounds of a family with four children.  The background noise buzzed with kids playing, the dog barking, the T.V. blaring, the phone ringing, doors...
I can’t recall a time when music wasn’t a part of my life. Even before I was born, my parents were singing and playing guitar and piano. Music moves us. Music motivates us. Music soothes us. Music reminds us. Even though I have never been...
If you have babies, toddlers, big kids, teenagers, here are some fun Easter Basket ideas that are not all about the candy! The nice thing about this is that it can serve as a double purpose for the things...
A Letter to My Daughters' Future Husbands I pray for you daily. I pray now, for your safety, security, and your path in life. God knows who you are and what lies ahead and I pray that he paves the road...

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Parenting In Waco

“A Hope and A Future” : Practical Tips to Stay Positive...

The summer of 2022 was filled with dread.  My oldest child was about to start his senior year of high school, and I was...