Kids. They make me laugh, they make you cry, and they make you want to pull your hair out. They also make you think you've met the criteria for a DSM-IV mental health diagnosis, BUT they are yours forever...
Most of us are so swamped with schedules, daily demands or massive to-do lists, it’s hard to prioritize taking care of ourselves. I’ve never been a huge fan of the phrase “Self Care” because I only imagine a pedicure and...
I love the idea of the holiday season.  Home decor, yummy food, family and friends. But come mid-December and I am a straight up Scrooge, y'all. I try to keep the reason for the season in my mind and all that,...
Waco Moms and Dads, please join me in giving a big virtual hug to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Waco. Everyone loves Dolly. She’s so lovely, isn’t she? She throws joy around like it’s meant to be. And now Waco...
Class 101 has been a national leader in the college planning process for 24 years. With 45+ locations they have helped over 7,400 students attend over 650 colleges and universities, and earn over $638 million in merit-based scholarships!⁣  Class 101...
"I choose you. And I'll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you". -Unknown Dear Rainbow Baby, The moment the image of you popped up on a pregnancy test, I...
I think we can all agree that the 2020-2021 school year had us with all the feels. It was a challenging year to say the least. Now we are getting ready to re-enter the classroom post Covid (ish). I...
Hi! I am a working mom, and I have been walking the tight rope of sanity for just over 10 years. If you have it down to an art, you are my hero. If you are constantly wondering if...
It’s spring time and everything all around us is blooming and changing, announcing warmer weather is coming. It’s time to get outside as a family and enjoy things as a family.  Gardening is a great way to get the...
We all scroll through instagram. Through Facebook. Look at the highlight reel of peoples lives and we get down on ourselves. COMPARISON sinks in. For me, I instantly think to myself... are they real? Are they happy? But we...

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Parenting In Waco

2023 Mama Marketplace | Thank You to Our Sponsors & Attendees!

We are so pleased with the results of our Waco Mom's 6th Annual Mama Marketplace! This year our parenting event featured a special program...

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end of year

End of Year Emotions