Work + Motherhood | Can We Have It All? “When did being a mother stop being enough?” Her words weren’t so much an accusation as...
My Uncomfort Zone | Friendships Making friends doesn't come easy for me. I could easily just slink back into my own little corner and never...
My Love/Hate Relationship with Youtube Kids Before I had a kid, when I was the best and smartest parent EVER (ha), I vowed my child...
Chick-Fil-A, How I Love Thee Chick-fil-a you’re the wind beneath my wings, Your perfect chicken fills all of my needs. How can I ever express my gratitude?  “My...
I Like Big Butts & I Cannot Lie! Okay mommas, I know its a little ironic that I am writing about exercise, creams, and apparel...

Ode to Google

Ode to Google I'm scared to potty train. There, I said it. I, Paige, am a mother of 2-year-olds and one of my biggest fears is potty...
Does My Child Have Anxiety? Many would say that anxiety is a part of life. This day and age we seem to view anxiety as...
Grief & Joy As I sat in church on Christmas Eve, I looked around and realized in that room at that moment, so many experienced the...
5 Instagram Tips for a Small Business Social Media has launched the careers of thousands of entrepreneurs! Just the exposure alone to millions of people...
Valentine's Day Chocolate-Dipped Treats Chocolate. It's one of my favorite food groups. And now that February is here, all things indulgent that involve chocolate are...

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Parenting In Waco

Family Friendly Shows

It’s movie night and you’re ready to relax as a unit, but you can't agree on what to watch. You’re trying to find something...

Mamas De Waco