Hey Mamas, We are going to be RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. We will be home with kids begging for food, going stir crazy on rainy days, asking for the zillionth time to go anywhere, and doing our darndest not to...
Reading aloud to your child aids in reading and kindergarten readiness. Here are some tips for making reading aloud even more beneficial. The act of reading aloud to children is 100% beneficial to children. It nurtures and bonds the reader...
"Play is our brain's favorite way of learning." -Diane Ackerman Primrose is not your average "daycare"! It truly operates like a school, but offers so much more! I can't begin to describe the genuine love and compassion the staff and...
Picture books are magical, artful— and dreamful. Children’s literature is an essential piece of writing, and often a child’s first look into poetry and art. Picture books teach, inspire, and cause giggles. And giggles are necessary. If you know me,...
With Teacher appreciation week quickly approaching next month we start to ponder the idea of teacher gifts. What do you get the educators who spend hours a day teaching and loving your kiddos? Here are a few ideas so...
    First things first: Elizabeth Oates has recently released her book Mending Broken Branches. If you aren't reading it right now, add it to your list!    Why we love it: Aside from the fact that we want to support our own,...
Hey everyone, we are the Berndsen family, owners of Ivy Kids of Waco! We couldn’t be more excited to serve the amazing community and the surrounding families of Waco. We feel so blessed to be building Ivy Kids of...
Finding childcare can be extremely stressful on parents. From waitlists to finances, families have to consider many factors in finding the right fit for their child. Fortunately, Primrose Schools has expanded in the Central Texas area and offer many...
More and more I have been meeting and finding myself talking to moms who are considering or have even already started home schooling. At even just our monthly Coffee + Community we may have 5-8 homeschooling moms who seem...
Jonathan was born in November of 1998. I wasn’t there. He didn’t become my son until April of 2011 when I married his father, making a covenant with my husband, Jonathan and Nicholle. On that day we became family,...

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Parenting In Waco

2023 Mama Marketplace | Thank You to Our Sponsors & Attendees!

We are so pleased with the results of our Waco Mom's 6th Annual Mama Marketplace! This year our parenting event featured a special program...

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end of year

End of Year Emotions