After 31 years of dreaming, I finally took the trip I have been preparing for my entire life. From a very young age I loved everything about the idea of Paris and London. Kings, queens, princesses, castles, art, music,...
As a kid, I signed up for all of the activities I could get my hands on including the club soccer team, the high school orchestra, the church choir, the language competitions, the piano lessons, and the school track...
Although April 1st marks the beginning of World Autism Month, there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t see and feel the presence of it in our family.  For us, and millions of other families, it is...
It started with a camping trip to the backyard. I remember we were about a month into the pandemic and going stir crazy. We were dying to get out and explore, but we had to figure out how to do...
I am in a season where God has blessed me as to be a stay at home homemaker, raising twin four year old’s alongside my husband. Since we are home for large parts of our days, we have our double portion...
My prayers are answered—my son is getting married! I started praying for my children’s future spouses thirty years ago when they were babies. I prayed for someone to love them, respect them, and grow old with them. Finally, He answered...
The Google definition for the word "habit" is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.  A habit often reminds me of something that is negative like nail biting or nose picking. ...
Sonja Smith gives us the run down on the importance of Mom Friends this Galentines Day! I woke up at 5 AM, two weeks before my due date, when suddenly, my water broke. At least I think it did, but...
Kids. They make me laugh, they make you cry, and they make you want to pull your hair out. They also make you think you've met the criteria for a DSM-IV mental health diagnosis, BUT they are yours forever...
Most of us are so swamped with schedules, daily demands or massive to-do lists, it’s hard to prioritize taking care of ourselves. I’ve never been a huge fan of the phrase “Self Care” because I only imagine a pedicure and...

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Parenting In Waco

Confessions from a Homeschool Grad

Confessions from a Homeschool Grad Homeschooling has made a 180° turn from “odd” to “popular”. The mindset of “old homeschoolers” versus the newer group has...