Dear Waco: Please open a restaurant with a playscape. Love, every mom with a toddler. In bigger cities, playscapes are everywhere. If I lived in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, etc. , I would be writing "Top 50 restaurants with playscapes"...
What It's Really Like to Be a Young Mom Being a young mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I won't lie to you; for the first few months, "what if's" clouded my vision. My life had...
The Power of Problem Solving In his book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*” Mark Manson writes, “To be happy we need something to solve. Happiness is therefore a form of action.” Not only have I found this...
What Twin Moms Are Tired of Hearing Every time I take my boys to the grocery store, I hear these at least once. Probably twice, or three times. I know I am not the only twin mom who does. So,...

Why Waco?

We heard this question often when we discuss moving to Waco even though neither of us went to Baylor or have family here.  As we are nearing our two year mark of living in our Fixer Upper house, I...
I wish I didn't have any experience with this topic, but I think in some sense, we all do. Everyone's level of grief is different. Some of us have grief from hurts and hangups, while others have grief from...
I’m finally getting around to actually doing my “word of the year” ...for 2018. Yes, I’m aware that we are  halfway through 2019.   I am a yes person. "Wanna join our club?" Yup. "Want to buy this useless product?" Sure....
Can we all agree that the technological age can occasionally get out of hand? That we are all slightly addicted to our phones, computers, iPad etc.? In a world of go, go, go it seems like such a blur...
Why it's Wise to Pause Before We Post - Social Media I’ve been thinking a lot these days about what I post on social media and why I post it. My husband recently joined Instagram, after years of protesting it....

Be Your Child’s Champion

Maybe you are like me: you know your "things" and you know what is not your thing. My things are writing, history, teaching. Science (among many others such as gardening, math, and sweating) is not my thing; it's a...

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Parenting In Waco

We Had a Baby … Now What?

New moms have tons of knowledge at their disposal. When preparing for pregnancy and birth, many of us pour hours into consuming info from...

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