Raise your hand if your little one(s) are experts at manipulation when it comes to bedtime? I'm over here waving my hands while jumping up and down. The struggle is R-E-A-L! My daughter turns THREE in two weeks and has...
So what’s the deal with these weighted blankets? They are popping up online and at stores everywhere. Even the big name stores like Target and Walmart are selling them. Where did this craze come from?  Prior to this boost in popularity,...
Reading aloud to children builds tools for life. And magic happens—they experience togetherness and a soothing, relaxing, rewarding magical time with you. It’s good for parents, too. I am a picture book writer, and reading aloud to children is important to me....
If you have babies, toddlers, big kids, teenagers, here are some fun Easter Basket ideas that are not all about the candy! The nice thing about this is that it can serve as a double purpose for the things...
Waco Moms Blog Continues to Grow | Meet Shauna Goldbach Hi Waco mamas! I'm Shauna Goldbach. I was born and raised in Southern California and made my way to Waco in 2005, when I was just 15 years old (I...
To Sleep or Not To Sleep...That Is The Question Scrolling through my Facebook feed one afternoon, I read post after post from my sweet friends trying to decide how to spend a very sacred time in their day -- nap-time....
Waco Mom, Maggie Moore reflects on her first year of being a new mom: The minute I announced I was pregnant, the advice started flowing. Everyone I knew, parents and non-parents alike, suddenly had an opinion about if I should send...

Bed Time

  I kiss their cheeks and hold them tight, That’s what we do every night. We rock and sing in hopes of rest, This day has surely been a test.   Crying, messes, food in my hair, I might still be wearing maternity underwear. I haven’t washed...
I don't think I can remember a time when I wasn't yearning for South America. Ever since I was young, I knew I'd end up there someday. I'm not even really sure I knew what country I'd be in...
"Have you cried yet?" "Not yet.. but it's coming. And I'm not sure if it will be a happy cry or a sad cry." My mother asked me this question as we sat on the couch on our first...

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Parenting In Waco

2023 Mama Marketplace | Thank You to Our Sponsors & Attendees!

We are so pleased with the results of our Waco Mom's 6th Annual Mama Marketplace! This year our parenting event featured a special program...

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End of Year Emotions