What We Learned in Therapy My youngest daughter, Adalee, suffered a stroke at the age of two.  Adalee lost her ability to speak and to use the right side of her body.  At first, we were not sure what her...
I think we can all agree that the 2020-2021 school year had us with all the feels. It was a challenging year to say the least. Now we are getting ready to re-enter the classroom post Covid (ish). I...
Incorporating a fun, family centered celebration for Valentine’s Day can become a sweet tradition. Carving out a romantic date with your beloved can remain a priority, while setting time aside to celebrate as a family. In our home we...
I am not a “morning” person by nature, so it takes structure to help me ensure my family’s early morning routine runs smoothly.  This is true for our “Normal Life” when I need to get all three kids to...
After 31 years of dreaming, I finally took the trip I have been preparing for my entire life. From a very young age I loved everything about the idea of Paris and London. Kings, queens, princesses, castles, art, music,...
I love encouraging a love of nature in my kiddos. For us, that means lots of time outside, which inevitably includes crawling/flying/slithering creatures. This may freak some people out; if that's you, sorry. If that freaks you out, but...
Friday, March 20, 2020. Schools announced Spring Break was extended, Waco announced lock down was beginning the following Monday, and the world as we knew it was flipping upside down. 4:45pm that same day I got a phone call, “Hey Victoria,...
I've had the privilege of filling the "bonus mom" role for my bonus kids for almost 19 years. In some ways, it seems like much more time has passed. But in other ways, it's like I blinked and they went...

April Family Events

There are a lot of fun activities for the whole family this month. What will your family do on weekends?  Happy April, Wacoans! April 6-8 Friday, April 6 First Friday at the Dr Pepper Museum||5:30-7:30|| 300 South 5th Street|| Free Admission! Saturday, April 7 Waco...
I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit nervous. I am about to open up my heart and soul about being a father to a large group of anonymous readers whom I’ve never even so much as shared a beer with let...

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Parenting In Waco

We Had a Baby … Now What?

New moms have tons of knowledge at their disposal. When preparing for pregnancy and birth, many of us pour hours into consuming info from...

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