You did it, mama. You created a tiny human and birthed it into the world.  And now, you’re in the trenches, the little years, surrounded by mountains of dirty diapers on one side and dirty laundry on the other. You’ve accepted...
Mothering many. What does that look like? I arrived at motherhood 19 years old, my life-plan wrecked, and my brain and heart in agreement that I was unworthy of the job. Still, I was determined to be the best. I...
The Google definition for the word "habit" is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.  A habit often reminds me of something that is negative like nail biting or nose picking. ...
As a mom, I'm always on the lookout for activities that can teach my kids valuable life skills, while also being fun and engaging. One such activity has stood the test of time - the classic lemonade stand. Not...
Lent is the season consisting of 40 days in preparation of the believer through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins and self-denial starting on Ash Wednesday. This year Ash Wednesday falls on February 14th, Valentine’s Day. Lent prepares for...
In the past, advocating is a word I didn’t hear used very often. That is, until I became a parent. I know my parents did lots of advocating for me when I was younger. I know they stepped in...
Is this our new normal? We still don’t know what will stay around post Covid-19, but one thing we do know- it’s a lot. While there are positions and careers that allow for us to work from home, it’s...
I recently took my three kids shopping with me since its summer break and I don't have as much time for independent errands. An older lady stopped me with a sympathetic smile and asked how I was “surviving summer...
Mama!  MAMA!  MAAAAMMMAAA! You feel your blood pressure rise with the pitch and volume of the call.  Your body responds as if this is a life-threatening situation when, in fact, they simply cannot find their favorite pair of alien socks. ...
In a year that has been filled with immense loss, our family was no exception.  A family member passed away in early January and we quickly discovered that he hadn't had time to complete a Will or dictate to...

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Parenting In Waco

Proof of Mom: Get in the Picture!

As a mom, I have a newfound obsession with pictures ... of my kids. Anyone else continuously buying more iCloud storage because your photo...