Sweet, tiny, third child in my belly - I cannot WAIT for you to arrive! You have just 8 short weeks until your due date and both your siblings are beyond excited. Granted, your sister is only 15 months...
I'm a stickler for a good deal when it comes to spending so when it comes to self-care, I will try not to spend money on self-care unless I see it as an essential. For example, I will invest...
Waco summers are hot. That is no secret, but if you can brave the heat, Waco dining offers many choices. A lot of new choices for dining, depending on your preference, dine inside or out. Here is a list...
As any mom knows, whether you just had your first child or fifth child, your world is rocked. The schedule you juggled so well is now over-taken by this tiny body that depends solely on you. The numerous commitments...
I like to think of cooking and baking as my superpowers. I don't mean in a "tooting my own horn" sort of way, but in a "I truly love cooking and baking for people." These are my gifts. My...
Therapists & Counselors For Children in the Waco Area If there is one thing we as moms know, it's that raising kids is messy and our lives are ever-changing. But when things get extra tough, what happens when we find...
Raise your hand if your little one(s) are experts at manipulation when it comes to bedtime? I'm over here waving my hands while jumping up and down. The struggle is R-E-A-L! My daughter turns THREE in two weeks and has...

Say Cheese, Mom.

Summer is now upon us and so is all the fun, memory building events. With today’s apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook; it’s so easy to share all of the photos we are snapping from behind the camera! But listen, moms...
September is our second January. It’s the perfect time to make resolutions to get us through to the end of the year. It's the perfect time to begin again. Resolutions, to get us through to our January resolutions. When my kids...
It seems like being a mother in 2019 is more stressful and wearing on US moms more than ever before. We are women who want to do it all and do it all well…and struggle when we can’t meet...

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Parenting In Waco

We Had a Baby … Now What?

New moms have tons of knowledge at their disposal. When preparing for pregnancy and birth, many of us pour hours into consuming info from...

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