We all see posts online that boast the hashtag #girldad or #boymom. When you’re a dad and have only daughters, that tagline hits the nail on the head. My dad was a girl dad. There are three of us...
Christmas is vastly approaching so I've compiled a list of "I wish" gift ideas that most moms may want! First and foremost, how in the world can we get this memo out to our husbands and kids?! Secondly, I...
When crisis strikes, I usually deal with it one of 2 ways: Laughter and everything becomes a joke. Give me allll the memes. Become very aware that life is fragile and start focusing too much on death. But somewhere in...
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas...” as the song is sung!  You know Christmas lights must be out and we are slowly inching our way into the holiday season! Let’s check off that list: Put up the tree ...
  We've ALL been there.  You are at the grocery store and the shopping cart is loaded down.  It has become so very heavy that you can barely turn it down each aisle.  The kids are whining and you know...
Every era has its parenting pros and cons. A hundred years ago many homes did not have indoor plumbing (gasp), but even the four-year olds of the family pulled their weight around the house! From the oldest child to...
My prayers are answered—my son is getting married! I started praying for my children’s future spouses thirty years ago when they were babies. I prayed for someone to love them, respect them, and grow old with them. Finally, He answered...
It’s that time of the year when we start taking family vacations. You’ve made the reservations. You’ve got the itinerary and the kids’ “flight bags” ready. You are one organized mama that slays vacation! You get on that plane...
    First things first: Elizabeth Oates has recently released her book Mending Broken Branches. If you aren't reading it right now, add it to your list!    Why we love it: Aside from the fact that we want to support our own,...
We need to give ourselves a huge dose of mama grace. We talk so much about giving other people grace, especially other mothers when we see their kid throwing a fit at the store.  We think "ahhhh. . .give...

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Parenting In Waco

We Had a Baby … Now What?

New moms have tons of knowledge at their disposal. When preparing for pregnancy and birth, many of us pour hours into consuming info from...

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